Hi darlings, may i introduce you to Miss Von Kiss? She's another character from my next book... :) (excerpt from a novel by JC Deveney)
Rita Von Kiss !
Hi darlings, may i introduce you to Miss Von Kiss? She's another character from my next book... :) (excerpt from a novel by JC Deveney)
Summertime glimpse
A little glimpse at the next beach towel...Woops!
This is part of a new oil painting i've just finished for my artbook to come, hope you like it :)
Take care and drink pina coladas !
What if Dorothy never came back from Oz ?
Hi darlings !
You can't imagine how busy i am creating new pieces these days for my next book, and as i have to keep some exclusivity i have to hold on not showing too much to your eyes ! But this time i can show more :)
Lately Galerie Maghen invited me to participate to their next collective exhibition, the Book Show. More info here and see the other artists participations, awesome!!! http://the-book-show.blogspot.ca/
I chose L.Frank Baum's "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz", as this was part of my childhood and imagination, and what to say about the movie starring the lovely Judy Garland !
What if Dorothy never came back from Oz? Maybe she'd grown up and become a lady...so she needed new ruby shoes !
I loved drawing those characters, the Tin Woodman, the Scarecrow and the "king of the forrest" Lion, and of course, a grown-up Dorothy !
Maybe some specialists would have noticed the resemblance between the 40s hollywood actor William Powell and the Tin Man (or woodman), just a fantasy of my sick private-joking mind, as The "Thin Man" is the actor's most famous film...*wink*
Hope you'll like it and go see it at the exhibition, beginning on 6th july !
New illustration excerpt from my artbook to come !
Just some robot-teeeease today!
Have you recognized this robot?
Have you recognized these legs? Guess whose !
The answers will be in my next artbook (coming dec 2013) !
For those who wonder: it is traditionnal oil painting technique.
Have a very nice and glamourous week-end lovelies,
Best regards,
Have you recognized this robot?
Have you recognized these legs? Guess whose !
The answers will be in my next artbook (coming dec 2013) !
For those who wonder: it is traditionnal oil painting technique.
Have a very nice and glamourous week-end lovelies,
Best regards,
MAY 17th against homophobia
A little sketch to say there's nothing wrong in this. This is LOVE.
As many of you know already, homophobia is a touchy subject for me, as i am homosexual myself! Homophobia causes only negative things from bullying to killing.
Today i have a loving thought for my parents who love and accept me and my girlfriend as we are. Thank you Mum and Dad for this, you cannot imagine how i feel blessed to have you both. And i wish every gay, lesbian and transgender people feels the same about their parents and friends. This is so important.
Thank you dear readers, and spread the love !!!
Pour ceux qui parlent français, un petit lien pour retrouver le billet que j'avais posté il y a deux ans, à propos de mon coming-out: http://pinup-doodles.blogspot.fr/2010/05/17-mai-contre-les-cest-pas-bien-normal.html
Pour ceux qui parlent français, un petit lien pour retrouver le billet que j'avais posté il y a deux ans, à propos de mon coming-out: http://pinup-doodles.blogspot.fr/2010/05/17-mai-contre-les-cest-pas-bien-normal.html
Exposition à Québec City!
Cette dernière fin de semaine, j'ai eu la chance d'exposer au magnifique Capitole de Québec dans le cadre du Carnaval Burlesque ! Un grand merci aux organisateurs et aux artistes pour cette belle soirée burlesque et artistique, où poésie, humour et pasties règnaient en maîtres !
-Moi-même, arrivant émerveillée devant le rideau rouge !-
-"I love Wanda" la demoiselle tatouée, modèle: Lavender May-
-...avant que les portes s'ouvrent et laissent inonder de monde le hall du Capitole...Superbe cadre, non?-
-Le thème de la soirée étant le Sideshow à l'américaine, je n'ai pas résisté à partager la double-page de Circus Metamorphosis parue dans le Journal de Spirou en 2011 !-
-et une dernière petite photo de l'artiste posant avec ses oeuvres !-
Quelques petits extraits du spectacle dans cette salle majestueuse!
-Mlle Oui Oui Encore (pour voir ses spectacles à Montréal: http://bluelightburlesque.com/ )-
-Armitage Shanks-
-The Quatuor Stomp-
-Cherie Black Diamond, co-productrice de l'évènement-
Bon week-end à tous !
Oil painting: Tattooed Lady
Bonjour mes darlings!
Pour changer un peu, j'ai travaillé à l'huile, et compte bien continuer ainsi pour d'autres illustrations :)
Ma modèle: Lavender May (qui se produira par ailleurs au Carnaval Burlesque de Québec, au Capitole !)
"Tattooed Bad Girl", Maly Siri 2012
Naughty Alice in London
I wanted to say thank you so much to my fans and followers who send me lovely messages about my work everyday, it touches me so deeply! Thank you thank you thank you!
Today, particular thanks to Jennifer Pernoud from facebook for the pictures she took in London: i can see my Naughty Alice (advertising i worked on for Vivienne Westwood Fragrances campain) took a londonian taxi! Vavoom!! How AMA-ZING is that !!!!!!

I'll get myself a cup of tea!
And get back to work, hard work! (i'm hiding things these days, ha-haaa! i'll make some posts in the next days)
Happy Birthday sweet Lavender May !
Demoiselle blonde en lingerie- Take 2

(clik to enlarge)
Hello ! A little preview of the colored version of this "demoiselle blonde en lingerie"
Now let's work on some BAD GIRL for a change ;)...see you next post !
- Good night boys & girls ! -
...with this kitschy-but-nice What Katie Did faux vintage lingerie video i've just found on youtube, it's a cool match with my artwork's topic: blonde + lingerie = lovely ! ...
Let's ROck !!

... at the next one and only Red Hot & Blue Rockabilly Festival in MONTREAL! www.rockabillyjam.com
Hi folks! Here's the logo i've done for this year's festival in september :)
The soundtrack when i done it, one of my favorite songs of the moment: J.D McPherson's "North Side Gal"
Demoiselle blonde en lingerie...
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